In this thrilling episode, we dive deep into the iconic Friday the 13th film series with special guest Dak, a horror film enthusiast. Join us as we explore the franchise's evolution, from the chilling origins of Jason Voorhee...
Join us in this enchanting episode as we dive into the world of Kinnfolk, a captivating Celtic folk duo hailing from Roanoke, Virginia. Comprised of the dynamic husband-and-wife team Josh Kinn, who masterfully plays the octav...
In this episode, part 2 of 2, we continue to delve into the fascinating world of JOEKINGATL's passion for social art. Join us as we explore JOEKINGATL's unique art story and uncover the journey that led to its creations. Disc...
In this episode, part 1 of 2, we delve into the fascinating world of JOEKINGATL's passion for social art. Join us as we explore JOEKINGATL's unique art story and uncover the journey that led to its creation. Discover the insp...
"Focus and Click: Ari Ivers' of Mad Woman Studios, Love Affair with Photography" is a captivating journey through the lens of Ari Ivers, a talented photographer whose passion for capturing moments is evident in every frame. F...
In our lives, we cross paths with a variety of people. This person is the mother of one of my best friends, with whom I went to middle school through high school. I have always associated her with her passion …
My guest on this episode is Nadya Zeitlin, an artist of movement who interlaces dance and theatre into different spaces throughout Atlanta, Georgia. She has this langue and presence that engages you while she unravels this vi...
Let's continue with part 2 of the Great Mullinator. In this episode, we focus more on her time in the classroom, where we learn about how she handled teaching new students music and discipline, moving from teaching middle sch...
The guest on the episode today has had a significant impact not just on my life but on thousands of others who came through the Teasley Middle School and Cherokee High School band / choral director program. She is the …
It's time for that special edition Halloween episode of Learning From Friends, and the guest I have on today fits the bill perfectly. My friend Dak and I have known each other for about 18 years. Out of all my …
In part two of my time with Tijana, the founder of Zest & Curiosity, we continue to learn about her worldwide travels. She has traveled to over 60 countries. Each trip enriched her life and gave her new perspectives. Tijana...
My guest today is Tijana, blog founder and editor-in-chief of Zest & Curiosity. We are discussing her passion for art. It focuses on how art makes us feel and why art is meaningful in her life. As she shares her …
My guest today is Jeremiah Adkins, AKA TheMixGuru, with over 20 plus years as a sound engineer based here in Georgia. He is a grammy winner and has worked with artist of all genres such as Taylor Swift, Lil Wayne, …
During the episode, I speak with Rick Carvlin on the major issue facing the non-profit industry right now that needs more awareness, that being the lack of funding which is, unfortunately, causing many organizations to limit ...