During this final installment of this 3 part episode series of the pro wrestling round table discussion, we wrap up the discussion of our favorites: storylines / feuds, matches, stipulations, finishers, belt, and crowd chants. As we wrap up our favorites, we talk about those wrestlers we wish got the big push that deserved it, creating our dream matches, creating our own gimmick, and ending the series with where we see going forward in the future.
I will cherish this series of 3 episodes for a long time as I got to sit down with some of my best friends and talk about one of our favorite things that bonds us together: PRO WRESTLING. My dad Donald, brother Corey, Ryan Wright, Chris Byess, Joseph Mize, Daniel Murphy, and myself. After watching AEW All In from Wimbley Stadium in London, England, we gathered up around a table and talked wrestling for a little over 3 hours, which has turned into a 3 part series.
Links mentioned in the podcast
Artie vs. The Bowling Ball (Adventures of Pete and Pete) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IM8rGwrqrnE
Across the Ring (Podcast) - https://open.spotify.com/show/43dXEDbdJNDNbiSIio2swE
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